Ecopoetics of the Psychosomatic

Dance for Repair

As an enactment of interconnection, I turn towards the landscape to give the tender and fragmented pieces of myself the emotional freedom to dance. I land, listen, flow, bond, morph and expand; de-influencing and re-wilding my body. I trust that whatever vital emerges in me is a gossamer cord weaving me intra the universal moving consciousness.

Morgan Kulas

  • Art

    Morgan Kulas is a dancer-philosopher and teacher-practioner whose work explores the poetry, potential, and phenomena of the Psychosomatic. Her creative and community led research contributes to the web of inquiry taking place at the intersection of decoloniality, deep ecology, and performance studies. Ensuing in contemplative artworks that perform the body as a part of nature. Morgan earned her BFA in Performance from Chicago College of Performing Arts and her MFA in Art from University of New Mexico.

  • Teaching

    Morgan brings to her teaching practice a lifetime of training in post-modern dance and intersectional contemplative movement traditions. She has more than 15 years of experience as a dance educator and freelance choreographer. Her praxis is influenced by her chosen path as a lay practitioner of Zen, Yoga, and Daoyin. Currently, she is the director of the Yoga, Meditation, and Conscious Dance program at The Barn in Minturn, Colorado.

  • Sift

    Healing is a process of rediscovering what the body wants to share through somatic attunement and deep listening. By building relationship to bioenergetic currents, discoveries abound which demonstrate that life is a non-dual, complex, interconnected matrix of experience and therefore an ecological approach might suggest we remain curious and patient as we traverse the landscapes we inhabit.

The Synovium Podcast is composed of interviews with artists who work at the confluence of creative praxis, performance studies, and systems change. Available now on Soundcloud, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts.