Embodied Acts of Resilience

As a performance of care, I turn towards the landscape to give the tender and fragmented pieces of myself the emotional freedom to dance. I land, listen, flow, bond, morph and expand; reclaiming my body from the systems and stories of control that have separated her from nature. I trust that whatever vital emerges in me is a gossamer cord weaving me intra the universal moving consciousness. I share my discoveries through the mediums of social practice & education, performance, experimental media, collage, and writing.

Morgan Kulas

  • Art

    Morgan Kulas is a dance artist, writer, and teacher whose work explores the poetry, potential, and phenomena of embodiment. Her creative and community led research contributes to the web of inquiry taking place at the intersection of decoloniality, ecology, and performance studies. Ensuing in contemplative artworks that perform the body as a part of nature. Morgan earned a BFA in Theater and Dance from Chicago College of Performing Arts and an MFA in Art & Regenerative Culture from University of New Mexico.

  • Teaching

    Morgan brings to her teaching offerings a lifetime of training and professional career in dance as well as twenty years of studentship in intersectional contemplative movement traditions. She has been working as a dance educator and choreographer since 2004 and a Yoga and Meditation Teacher since 2012. Her pedagogy and praxis is influenced by her chosen path as a lay practitioner of Zen, Yoga, and Daoist cultivation arts.

  • Writing

    Morgan’s writing reflects an ongoing investigation of the body as a landscape, through which the beauty and trauma of the Anthropocene is being mirrored. Her work aims to provoke a sense of metaphysical inquiry; taking shape as poetry, essays, pedagogy, and research.