Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when we receive input from an external force that matches our natural frequency. When resonance transpires we absorb a vibration from the external force we are in contact with, and our own vibration is amplified. Resonance in nature occurs through electricity (the movement of electrons between atoms) and can be potentiated through mediums like precious metals, woods, plants, and sentient beings like humans and animals.
We are likely familiar with experiencing resonance through sound and music. Probably through harmony. But what’s important about harmony is that it only occurs through the yoking of two distinct and different notes.
Consciousness is a web. It is not something we have or don’t have. It is something we participate in. Lately in the web, it has become increasingly clear that humans are being challenged to build our capacity for difference. And not just that, if we are serious about contributing to individual and collective healing, than we are being challenged not just to witness difference, but find harmony in difference. Meaning, can we sit in our discomfort long enough to find resonance with someone or something that truly challenges our world view?
When we seek to learn about ourselves through difference. When we become aware of our attractions, aversions, and indifferences. Our bias. We receive consciousness upgrades. Sometimes these upgrades are quite painful, but if we are open to them, we really do heal and grow.
At the heart of Yogic teachings is the belief that all beings are inherently loving. We are all doing our best. When I think about what I can do as a teacher to become more inclusive and inviting of difference, the answer is to seek resonance through having my worldview challenged, even if it brings up a lot of discomfort in me. When I am uncomfortable I practice sitting in the flames and I imagine the obstacles in my ego burning up. I want to create and contribute to true healing in the world and that means challenging myself to feel pretty rotten sometimes.
So here is the practice. Next time you encounter something or someone different from you, see what happens if you stay a little longer in the fire of your discomfort. See if you can feel for a resonance? A harmony? When I look into the eyes of someone who has lived a very different life than me for example, the resonance lies in the fact that in our bodies and hearts, we all seek to do our best given our life circumstances. From there a compassionate resonance can radiate between us and we can move out of separation and into interconnection.